art.8: Ford will create an operative sistem for the smart city

Riflessioni “galleggianti”

Report this article to all of you, because when the most important and historic carmaker in the United States turns from a production industry to an operating system, it is because the city has already changed and will change even more radically

Ford creerà un sistema operativo per la smart city
— Read on

Art.6: The Center Everywhere



The Center Everywhere

The Center Everywhere
— Read on

questo articolo è stato per me illuminante, ha descritto perfettamente la grande consapevolezza emergente in tutto il mondo:
“Ognuno è un centro”, è molto diverso dal dire “ognuno é un individuo”.
Personalmente credo che sia come dire che ognuno di noi è un “luogo di relazioni” come un centro di una cittá.
E questo è qualcosa di rivoluzionario.

Questo ribalta completamente il modo di pensare a noi stessi come singoli e come comunità:

Prima eravamo come “gli isolati di un quartiere”, ora siamo “gli incroci delle sue strade “!… Dove accadono le relazioni….

Sono troppo radicale? Se tutto questo è vero possiamo ancora guardare la città come lo si faceva fino ad ora?

Art.3: New global maps

Senza categoria


5 facts you need to understand the new global order

During lunch break I realize …. reading this article …. that what we speak here at the local level is actually present in cities around the globe.

The only thing, as a good European, that is out of place is the American tone, frightening, exaggerated, but the concepts are to be explored with great interest. …. I forgot, enjoy your meal!

Art. 2 shopping centers ?

Commerce, Tabù


Today I will be very brief …. I would let you meditate on this map that shows you, with a single glance, 50 years of commercial formats. But what’s different from the usual analysis?

… look carefully, in the center, the shopping center, which everyone still considers the owner of the trade, and on the sides the ecommerce and the historical commercial center ….


…. a little help: seeing together the three things, relating them according to the new values, to the global evolution, the clearest thing is that the shopping center has no future …

…. you are not convinced? I will add shortly some links to useful news …. in any case your thoughts are what interests me most.

Art. 1: The Big TABOO

Commerce, Tabù


Last week I was at in Milan, at a seminar where we were talking about new shopping centers as if we were still in the 90s. I was looking at the speaker, a leading exponent of development companies and I said to myself: “mah … I do not see you really sure .. . I find a little ‘on the defensive, almost you wanted to say something else but you’re afraid of mine … or even your reaction …. “.

Then I understood, on an unconscious level, too, he knew that the MAP OF CITY TRADE that he was describing no longer needed, and perhaps, his work, already suggested this new map … a “disturbing” map for those who he had built his identity on … other routes. It is a great taboo, and as such, to be exorcised it goes, sooner or later openly said: “trade, as we have always understood it, is no longer a universal value”.

First sensations: loss of orientation, rejection, aggression …. these are usually the first effects in front of a taboo. Because all the points of reference collapse in a single moment and, nevertheless, it also makes us a little pleasure.

Yes, because the taboo, after all, is something we like, that we know to be true, but which, in some way, frightens us. I started from business only because it was the cornerstone of the identity of modern and post-modern cities. And if this is a revolution … imagine the rest of the city that was organized on it.

In the next articles, therefore, starting from the trade, we will STRIP, one after the other, the new “scandalous” forms that in the cities are taking first the places of commerce, then of living, then one by one of all new forms of living ……… courage

Introduction: “and if we were using only a wrong map?”

Riflessioni “galleggianti”


“None of you are tired of hearing that today’s world is all chaos? That everything changes. That there are no reference points? … bla … bla … bla … And if

we were using only a “wrong map?”

I do not know about you, but I if I was in Venice and I was using the map of Milan, I would be disheartened by looking for the M3 subway in the Grand Canal! New urban spirit is born to look with different eyes the world of cities, to discover those new “maps” that are the first sense of the world in which we already live.

First, then, … if you really have the courage …, close the “old map”. Fold it like the paper airplane you did in elementary school. Open the window. Blow on its tip and …. sffffhh … Launched? Well, then we can start. I forgot … welcome to NEW URBAN SPIRIT